"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!". Dr. Seuss
Our Philosophy
Here at Kelly’s Preschool we aspire to create a home away from home . We believe it is important that our tamariki, mãtua, whanau and Kaiako have a sense of belonging and knowing that they have a place within our Centre whanau.
Our whakaaro is to support our tamariki in developing strong social skills and self-help skills while building and developing relationships with their peers, kaiako and others within our centre whanau.
At Kelly’s we aim to create an inclusive environment that is safe and supports all learners no matter their age or ability. Creating a space where all learners have the freedom to explore and develop their own individual working theories through play and engagement with others.
We aim to create a space where our tamariki develop skills and knowledge through engaging in child-led experiences that are supported by kaiako.
We are a dedicated team that believe in what we do. We have created a program that we believe in and through self-review we continually make changes to help support our teaching practice. Through the inquiry process we work together to strengthen and improve our practice to empower the learning and development of all our learners.
We strive to whakamana the relationship that we develop with our mãtua, whanau and wider community. We work in collaboration with them to identify and support their aspirations for their tamariki and whanau.
To whakamana Te Tiriti o Waitangi and uphold the mana of Te Ao Maori we strive to use and teach Te Reo Maori me ona tikanga.
Our Mission Statement
Our goal is to give each child a warm environment to encourage the development of socialisation skills, independence and a positive self-image. Teachers encourage children to think for themselves, make decisions and work towards their own solutions by expressing their own ideas and feelings.
Our Program
Kelly's Preschool provides a very personal approach to your child's early childhood education. Our experience tells us that there's no 'one size fits all' approach, so we have created a program that is flexible and adaptable to the needs of your child as they grow and develop.
Our program creates an environment where our tamariki can explore, create, and engage in learning. Encouraging all tamariki not only to grow in their individual learning but also alongside others. While developing social skills and knowledge along the way.
Te Whāriki is the Early childhood curriculum which is used as the foundation for our learning environment. The program's framework emphasises the learning partnership between teachers, parents and whanau. Teachers create a holistic curriculum in response to children's learning and development in the early childhood setting and the wider context of the child's world. Through this program it is our goal to help children prepare for future learning environments. To find out more about Te Whāriki and the NZ Ministry of Education's early childhood curriculum policy framework click here.